Hex Development Data

1 min readDec 12, 2020


As a developer, having clean and reliable data to work with is a godsend. Thankfully the blockchain has such reliable data. Though what is the easiest way you query this data?

For Hex, it is by using the subgraph: https://thegraph.com/explorer/subgraph/codeakk/hex

Daily T-Shares calculated for you — https://bit.ly/3m6HSm5

Using the link above gives you a nice interface to interact with the data, but what if you wanted to collect the data yourself for a project? Below I have listed a few resources, including some of my own that will surely give you a boost for any projects/goals you’ll want to accomplish.

Subgraph Documentation: https://thegraph.com/docs/graphql-api

The API url for queries is: https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/codeakk/hex

Here is a great article explaining 4 different ways to call this API: https://www.apollographql.com/blog/graphql/examples/4-simple-ways-to-call-a-graphql-api/

Here are some python scripts I use for my website, BackupHex.com: https://github.com/Codeakk/Hex-Subgraph-Query-Scripts

You will see 3 scripts:

  • endStakesDue.py — This finds expiring stakes (older than 14 days).
  • endStakesNotDue.py — Grabs all open stakes which aren’t due.
  • lobbyEnterExit.py — Discovers lobby enters which have not been exited/claimed with the value in HEX that exiting would yield.

These scripts use a python graphQL library, https://github.com/graphql-python/gql, as a GraphQL implementation.

If you would like to message me directly for any questions: https://t.me/Codeak



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